Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, we had four baptisms in July, and our August Gathering was filled with sharing around a campfire in the park - what God is doing among us.

The Blue Fish house church has been on an amazing journey around learning to invite the Spirit of God to teach us - as Jesus promised He would. (John 16 :12-15) We are going to breakout discussions with questions that send us into the Bible for answers, and seeing how God speaks to all of us - It has been amazing.

But lately we have been tugging on the meaning of "ministry" to each other, and what ministry really means. Ministry has been defined by some as "Our needs being met by God's resources", but how do God's resources get involved? We recognize that the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit are our only hope of "ministry" happening, so we have to go to God with our hands and hearts open, while at the same time we test what comes to us by its:
  1. Consistency with Scripture,
  2. Confirming fruit, and
  3. Confession of Jesus Christ as Lord

We are beginning to see healing and freedom among us - but it's a learning process. We find we have been affected by all kinds of teaching and perspectives on these things - But as long as we can all defer to the authority of Scripture, we are going to find our way through the experiential part of our walk. He will complete the work He began in us!

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